Why do you need to travel round the world when you can walk around Lewisham? Living Adventurously 46.
Jack Cornish is a walker, an artist, and a Londoner. He works for the Ramblers charity, working to protect and expand the places people love to walk and promote walking for health and pleasure.
Jack Cornish is a walker, an artist, and a Londoner. He works for the Ramblers charity, working to protect and expand the places people love to walk and promote walking for health and pleasure. Jack has walked the length of Britain and is slowly walking every single street in London. In his spare time Jack works on his art and mixes gin cocktails.
THIS EPISODE IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY Outdoor Rocks, a carefully curated showcase of adventure films.
THIS EPISODE IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY Outdoor Rocks, a carefully curated showcase of adventure films.
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- If you enjoy listening to this episode over a cup of coffee and think it might be worth the price, you can buy me a "coffee" here: www. ko-fi.com/al_humphreys
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- Say hello on Twitter and Instagram: @al_humphreys
- https://www.jackfcornish.com
- @cornish_jack
- The Ramblers: https://www.ramblers.org.uk/
- Cyclists Special trains: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kP1KxPjh4RM
- Rough Stuff Archive: https://www.instagram.com/rsfarchive/
- 140,000 miles of footpaths in England and Wales. 10,000 miles are in danger of being lost forever - https://www.ramblers.org.uk/get-involved/campaign-with-us/dont-lose-your-way-2026.aspx
- 2026 is the deadline for recording all these paths.
- Slow Ways network - https://ravenellison.com/portfolio/slow-ways/
- National Library of Scotland maps collection - https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/side-by-side/
- Know Your Place map - http://www.kypwest.org.uk/explore-the-map/
- Layers of London map - https://www.layersoflondon.org/map?layers=true
- Where's the Path - https://wtp2.appspot.com/wheresthepath.htm
- People tackling every single street - https://www.everysinglestreet.com/others
- Walked Land's End to John O'Groats as he didn't know Britain very well
- The variety of every day in Britain surprised him
- Loved the Solway Firth - a surprising unknown
- Walking every street in London - it's chipping away rather than a concentrated period of exploration
- Walking the city becomes part of living the city
- Recording it on Google Maps and an A to Z map
- Putting together a Google map of people doing similar around the world
- Cycling every street of London - http://davis.vilums.me/all-the-streets/
- Walking every street in New York - https://imjustwalkin.com/
- Rickey Gates - running SF - http://www.rickeygates.com/everysinglestreet
- 94 year old walks every suburban street in Sydney - https://www.walksydneystreets.net/
- London is a very green city - 47% green or blue
- Living Streets - https://www.livingstreets.org.uk/?campaign=wtsw&source=adwords&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0rr4BRCtARIsAB0_48PVDxvVcow2S-tO6fmK35Mnr3G8p-j-xTFtKs2DQ6_aorpyFDyzSyIaAm0kEALw_wcB
- Jack's popular / Alan Partridge Twitter thread - https://twitter.com/cornish_jack/status/1281658401366450177
- Why do you need to travel round the world when you can walk around Lewisham?
- Walking 2020 miles in 2020 (after doing 2019 miles in 2019)
- Jack's art - https://www.jackfcornish.com/
- The binary choice of Adventure OR Office Job is foolish
- Favourite cocktail: Dirty Martini
- Favourite gin: Plymouth Gin
- A heavy bottomed glass for a heavy bottomed drink